0094 71 514 7514Mon - Sat 8.00/18.00

About Sri Lanka By Car

"Get to know the team"

Where Abouts..

How we make your holiday an unfogettable splendour...

We are in Negombo

We are based in Negombo, the iconic tourist town in Sri Lanka. A 20 minutes ride from the Colombo International airport takes you to the costal town of Negombo where we are homed, physically.

Our Good Intention

We take much pride in our achievements through caring and personalised service provided to each of our client. Our good intention is to let you enjoy 100% of Sri Lanka as it is by custom tailored itineraries and very personal attention at each stage of your journey. It is in our heart that you take the good name of our motherland with you!.

For the Curious eyes...

We are maintaining a low profile blog addressing general travel concerns, travel tips, product updates and many things useful to travellers, updated not quite often.

The team

This is what we look like.